How to Manually Upgrading Linksys WiFi Router Firmware?

Linksys Router Firmware

You may enhance your Linksys WiFi router’s functionality, security, and performance by updating its firmware. Updates to the firmware frequently address security flaws, add new features, and cure issues. Although Linksys routers have automated firmware updates, there are times when a manual upgrade is required. This in-depth tutorial will guide you through the process of manually updating your Linksys WiFi router’s firmware. (If you are facing Linksys velop setup errors, read this blog.)

Why Update the Firmware on Your Router?

Prior to beginning the processes, it’s important to comprehend why it’s so important to keep the firmware on your router updated:

  • Enhanced Performance: By optimizing your router’s firmware, you can relish quicker and more consistent net connections.
  • Enhanced Security: Patches for security flaws are frequently included in updates, shielding your network from possible attacks.
  • New Features: With firmware updates, manufacturers regularly introduce new features and functionalities.
  • Fixes for bugs: Updates might fix current issues and make your router more stable overall.

Getting Ready for the Improvement

There are a few things you must do in order to get ready before beginning the firmware upgrade process:

1. Determine the Model and Version of Your Router

You must be aware of the hardware version and model of your router in order to download the appropriate firmware. This data is available on the router itself, typically on a label that is placed on the rear or underneath of the apparatus.

2. Make a Settings Backup

Even while changing the firmware usually has no effect on your settings, it’s a good idea to make a backup of your existing setup just in case. This is how you do it:

  • Go into the web interface on your router.
  • Go to the Management or Administration area.
  • Locate a Save Configuration or Backup Settings option, then save the file to your computer.

3. Get the firmware.

Enter the model number of your router and browse the Linksys help website. For the most recent firmware file unique to your model and hardware version, download it. To prevent any problems, make sure you download the correct file.

How to Update Linksys Router Firmware Manually?

After getting ready, manually update the firmware on your Linksys router by following these steps:

Step 1:

Establish a Wired Connection with Your Router: Use an Ethernet cable to connect your PC to the router for a steady and uninterrupted upgrade procedure. When updating the firmware, stay away from utilizing a wireless connection.

Sign in: Launch browser and type the IP address in the bar. It is typically or as the default IP address. The router’s web interface can be accessed by entering your username and password.

Step 2:

Go to the Section on Firmware Upgrades.

Locate the option for firmware upgrades: Go to the Administration or Management section after logging in. The precise location could change based on the type of router you have.

Choose to Upgrade the Firmware: Search for a setting that says “Firmware Upgrade,” “Router Upgrade,” or a similar name.

Step 3:

Put the Firmware File Online

Look for the File: Locate the firmware file that you previously downloaded by clicking the Browse or Choose File option.

Choose the File: Click Open after selecting the file. Make that the file contains the typical Linksys firmware file extension,bin.

Step 4:

Start Up the Update

Launch the Update: To start the procedure, click the Start Upgrade or Upgrade button. Don’t try to stop it by shutting down the browser or turning off the router.

Hold on patiently: It could take a few minutes to complete the update. Upon successfully updating the firmware, your router will probably restart.

Step 5:

Check the Upgrade

Re-log in: Re-log in to the web interface after the router has restarted.

Verify the Firmware Version: To verify that the firmware has been updated to the most recent version, navigate to the Status or Firmware Version area.

Troubleshooting Hints

Even though updating the firmware is usually simple, there may be some problems. Here are some pointers for troubleshooting:

  • Firmware file compatibility: Make sure you obtained the appropriate firmware file for the model and hardware version of your router in order to ensure firmware compatibility.
  • Stable Connection: To avoid any disruptions while the upgrade is being done, use a wired connection.
  • Factory Reset: You should think about doing a router factory reset if you are having problems following the upgrade. Don’t forget to restore your settings using the previous backup you created.

After-Upgrade Measures

Following a successful firmware upgrade, you must:

  • Restore Settings: Use the backup file to get your settings back if you had a factory reset.
  • Reconfigure: Make sure all of your network configurations, including the password, SSID, and security settings, are set up correctly by double-checking them.
  • Examine the network: Examine the network to make sure all devices are able to connect to it and that the internet connection is reliable.


Updating the firmware on your Linksys WiFi router manually is an easy but necessary step to guarantee the best possible performance and security for your home network. You can easily update the firmware on your router and enjoy the newest features by following the instructions provided in this article. Maintaining the stability and security of your network can be achieved by routinely searching for and installing firmware upgrades.